Sunday, September 6, 2009


I have started thinking lately of how much I have to be thankful for. The more I hear people complaining all the time about anything, I just have to think to myself, no wonder God says to stay away from complaining and arguing. I would much rather be around positive people and thinking about what God has given me and blessed me with each day. I know I have alot to work on in this area, but I can really say that life is much better when you have a positive attitude and not so negative. I see so many people that have things bad in their life, but sometimes I act like I have it worse then anyone. When someone else complains is when I realize how I don't like it, but when I complain I fail to recognize it as much. This is not good. I guess its that way with sin too. I also feel like the more I complain, the more God's spirit is being smothered in my life. I would imagine it's not pleasing to God to hear me complain so much, since I am a representative of God, I don't display much faith in God when I am complaining.
So, I will try to not blog or email in a complaining way, but if I do, you can let me know.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Brandon and ER

I am starting to wonder if my son likes the ER more then my mom.
Tonight we got to go again for Brandon. He had to get stitches under his mouth. He did a high jump and his friend was behind him and didn't go as high as brandon and he was too close, so Brandon landed on him. Thankful, nothing broken. I am also thankful that Roger was home early from work today that I didn't expect. He took him and I met him a little later after making supper for mom and us. I was thankful it did not take long, like it usually does. For some reason the place by our house sent Roger to OSF ER at the hospital, they didn't think they could do the stitches I guess. He can't get it wet for 24 hours, but the doctor said he would be ok Saturday, so that's good. He will have a scar permanently. He has 3 scars now. I don't know about him.

Well, just had to share the excitement with you all. I will probably post pictures sometime.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Early Birthday celebration

This Saturday we will be celebrating Brandon and Jordon's 16th birthday. Each boy will take a male friend with to Mount Olympus Theme Park in Wisconsin. We will be there from morning till late evening. We have been there before some years ago and the boys enjoyed it then, but only had their sister to be with, who had her boyfriend with, so that wasn't much fun for them. Now they should have a really good time, except we won't be staying in a hotel like last time.

I got to get tickets at a discount from work so it will be somewhat cheaper. I only wish I didn't have to leave mother behind, but she would not be able to keep up with us and wouldn't really have anything to do there. It has water rides, go cart rides and other rides like rollercoasters and such. I told her she could stay at my house, but it will be pretty lonely except for the dogs. I hope she can make it one day and evening without me. If anyone would like to visit her she would like that. LOL (Vickie of course)

I am looking forward to going, I hope nothing will prevent us from doing so.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Today I got to see some really awesome clouds, it really looked like a good possiblity for funnel clouds to form. I get so excited when I see the sky looking like that. They were moving and forming in such a way that just makes me think of God. I also saw streaks of lightning that made it more exciting. Me, Roger and the boys were outside enjoying it like it was the fourth of July show. I actually like it better then fireworks. Unfortunately, it all passed over us and we didn't get anything out of it. I guess I should be thankful in a way. Some people get scared when they see the sky like that, maybe I am not normal.

To me it is the awesome wonder of not mother nature, but the God of nature. :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Where do I begin? I have to be very careful when writing this, I don't want to cause anyone hard feelings.

My feelings are something only my husband, God, and co-workers really know. But now you all will know.

I don't really understand why I am in this situation. Maybe I am reaping what I have sown. I thought I already did that with my daughter. But, I wish I could write a book about my experience with my mom, but instead I'll cut it short and make it a blog.

My mother is one unique individual. There is none quite like her. She will tell you herself. She is different as she would say. I do love her, don't get me wrong. I love her because she is my mother, for one, and I wouldn't exist without her help in creating me and raising me, never abandoning me. I also love her because I know God loves her and he created her for a purpose and he has never abandoned her. But, the question is, why does she daily have to live in pure misery? Well, the answer might be obvious, but why can't she see the answer? 81 years on this earth and she still has not understood her maker and her purpose on this earth. If she only would complain to the physician over all physicans maybe she could get some answers and results that can help and heal her. All the complaining in the world is not going to solve any of her problems, it only makes her condition worse. I am so very grateful that I know this higher power, if I didn't, I would be in a very bad way. I could almost bet you I would be an alcoholic if not worse. I do think she is trying so hard and has for years to do the best she can do for her diabetes and other health problems. But, I think she tries too hard sometimes and thinks she can control everything and knows all the solutions. There comes a point in everyones life where we will eventually not be able to control something in our life. My mom is at that point right now and it is driving her absolutely crazy. I don't know if she will be right in predicting the time of her departure. But if she is right, it will be soon. If a person can die from going crazy, that will be one of her causes. I only want the best for her and always have, just like my own daughter. But just like my daughter, my mom is very strong willed and set against any advice that is given to her. There could be a solution to every problem she has, but if it is not her own ideas and something she wants to do, then she would rather live in misery. It will be interesting to see how this all turns out in the end. Maybe I will be surprised to learn there will be a happy ending. If that does happen, I will know a miracle has taken place and God will get all the glory. All I can do is fully trust God to direct me in what to do, and say or not say. It takes alot of patience and daily asking for his help. The more I try to do it on my own, the more I experience frustration and misery. I know in my heart that this too will pass and someday I will look back and miss my mom in some way. I just wish she could enjoy the remaining time here without worrying so much.

I think I am learning the value of living life each day striving for peace and not living in a complaining mode, giving all my worries and complaints to God. I hope to become a mom who will listen to my kids without telling them how to live their life, to let them go and not be their God. I want to be quick to listen and slow to speak. I do think it's important to be not concerned with just my own doings, but be concerned about others, as long as I don't become obsessed and controlling. I especially hope that I will learn when I am older to take my childrens advice if I am alone and need help. I also hope my kids will be there for me if I need them.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Must See Movie

My Sister's Keeper is a must see movie. If you like to cry like I do, you will surely enjoy this one.
It is probably based on a true story, not sure. I actually cried just looking at the preview on the computer, so I knew I was going to cry alot.

Let me know if you see it and what you think of it. I very much enjoyed it.

Another great movie that is a tear jerker would be Gracie's Choice, which is based on a true story.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Occupation-Medical Records Clerk

I think I have learned real quick that I will be remaining in my current job for quite some time.
I believe I got a wake up call my first night of the workshop I signed up for.

The teacher was some looney. It was like he wasn't really a teacher at all. He was more like a stand-up comedian wanna be. Most of the time was spent joking and it wasn't really funny. The things he talked about had to do with alcohol mostly. He could not stick to teaching us anything. I couldn't believe what he was saying considering most of the ladies were older in the class and they didn't find it funny. I thought some was funny, but I thought he took it too far and too long. We even got out 30 minutes early. I really was thinking I made a big mistake. We did take a small test at the end that didn't count for anything, but even that made me realize that I don't have what it takes to be working with kids if I have to know the material they were covering. I think I need to stay where I am until I am literally moved by God, I then will know I am not making a move I should not be making. It's too risky these days, especially with the economy. I really think I won't be the only one not going back next week. I am not just deciding to not go back because of how this guy was, I am not going back because I think God was really telling me to consider what I am doing and is it worth it. No, it's not. Roger didn't really want me to do it in the first place. He is ok with me not going back. I am glad I feel more at peace about things and not confused anymore.